About Me

  Patricia Hammell Kashtock

Aka: Pat Kashtock. Mother of three, wife of one. BA in Social Work and Biblical Studies. Graduate work at Virginia Tech interrupted, then derailed by oldest child’s brain tumor...

My life has not followed the course I planned. But I am not complaining. Pain is to be expected in a world broken apart from its Creator.

The miracle resides in the ability to find joy when least expected...


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For What It's Worth

Each life is a journey. The voices of many guides try to direct us, saying, “This is the path – walk in it!” Yet each one leads in a different direction.

I believe only one Voice can be true. That Voice will lead us in ways most unexpected, into worlds yet undiscovered. It will lead us up the hill, around the river and through the forest. And sometimes, it will lead without mercy.

Or so it seems.

I have made listening for that Voice and following it, my life’s quest. I will share some of what I have heard that Voice say with you. But I am not in the business of telling people how to think or what to believe. Each has to decide for himself. Only you can decide if you find the truth of the Voice in these words. And only you can decide how much it is worth to know the Voice, and follow.

But for me, it is worth the whole world.

And then some…

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Yet Another False So-called Church

I normally try to avoid posting something this ugly. But there are times what is done in darkness needs to come to light in order to protect people. This appears to be another renegade, so-called "church" with high-control, abusive leadership gone to the extreme of destroying families for various reasons. They destroy the families by telling them they have to shun the targeted family member. The family member becomes targeted for a number of reasons. Disagreeing with the leadership alone gives them reason to target a person. God forbid that person leaves the "church." They will be completely shunned by everyone there. Who is everyone? Not only their close friends at the church, but their very family members. Husband, wife, kids, grand-kids, parents. Leaving may mean they never see their family members again. Leaving may get the cops called on them if they try to speak to their family.

Another reason a person becomes targeted for shunning? Because they are a victim of sexual abuse and/or assault by church leadership. It seems there are now several cases under investigation.

The acts of this "church" mimic those of Scientology and other high-control groups.

Why do I even believe the allegations? People keep lining up outside the church to protest. According to the Loudoun Times-Mirror the protests went on for a year in 2015 and continue to this day during special events and children's activities open to the public. People do things for a reason. To continue on in such a time consuming activity, they will need a deeply heart felt reason. In this case, that reason is too often the loss of their families as a result of an abusive high-control organization

If somehow you are in this group or any other like it and have been directed to break relations with a family member, I beg you: please read the Gospels for yourself without the "teachings" of the leaders from the group. Do some research on proof-texting as an out of context bible verse too often used either against someone, or to control a person.

The Exiles: Former members say Calvary Temple in Virginia pressures people to banish loved ones. What happens to those who leave?


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